Welcome to the Study of Religion Department at the University of Basel
The Study of Religion(s), also Science of Religion or Religious Studies, is a cultural studies and social science subject. It describes religion with scientific distance and compares its cultural, historical and social as well as its communicative, media and aesthetic aspects.
In Basel, study of religion has a special focus on European history of religion, cultural theory of religion, religion and law, contemporary religious history and economics of religion.
We are in close contact with the Faculty of Theology, the Jewish Studies and the Center of Religion, Economics and Politics.

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"First aid" box
Religious Studies and the University of Basel has various contact points and services that one can make use of for specific problems - exam anxiety, critical feedback on the course offerings, sexual harassment, etc.
University of Basel
Department of Religious Studies
4051 Basel
Tel: +41 (0)61 207 29 03