Lavinia Pflugfelder MA

Assistant / PhD candidate (Fachbereich Religionswissenschaft)


Heuberg 12
4051 Basel

office hours Monday 14-16

Office: Heuberg 12

Out of office:



Fall semester: Introduction to Religious Studies (not in HS24, course taught by Elena Schaa)

Spring semester: Introduction to the European History of Religions

Lavinia Pflugfelder works as an academic assistant at the University of Basel where she researches her PhD-project on religion-productive image discourses. She completed her master's degree in the Study of Religion at University of Basel. Her Master's Thesis concerns the reception and production of Satanic imagery in heavy metal.


Research interests

European history of religion of the 19th century

  • Esotericism and occultism
  • Secret societies
  • Magic

Religion and popular culture

  • Heavy metal, black metal, occult rock
  • Music video and bricolage
  • Image exchange between pop culture and religion(s)
  • Religion and horror (film)

Religion, image and identity

  • Gender and concepts of deities in contemporary paganism
  • Wicca and narratives of origin

Religion and nature

  • Nature and gender in neopagan discourses
  • Concepts of nature in Romanticism and the sacralization of nature



  • 2020-current, research associate with teaching assignment, Study of Religion Department, University of Basel
  • 2018-2020, Employment as student assistant in Greek Philology, University of Basel
  • 2017-2020, Employment as student assistant, Study of Religion Department, University of Basel
  • 2018-2020 Master in Study of Religion, German Literature, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Basel.
  • 2010-2017 Bachelor in Study of Religion, German Philology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Basel


2022-current, Member of the Research Collective Enchanted Epistemes

2020-current, Member of the Board of the Swiss Society for the Study of Religions (SGR)

2019-current, Member of the Editorial Board Zeitschrift für junge Religionswissenschaft (ZjR)