Student Association (current board)
FG Religious Studies
The students association (Fachgruppe=FG) of Religious Studies was founded in October 2008 by a plenary meeting of the students of Religious Studies. All students of Religious Studies are automatically members of the association upon matriculation. The student association is organized by the board. It currently consists of 6 members, who hold the offices of president, vice president, treasurer and festivities organizers.
The board of the FG is part of the University of Basel Student Union (Skuba) and is the link between the students of the department and the chair. As such, it is the point of contact for questions and conflicts and can mediate as a neutral body; as a point of contact for criticisms and complaints, the board is committed to preserving the anonymity of the students, should this be necessary.
In addition, the FG has a seat in the Teaching Committee (UK) of Religious Studies and can thus exert influence on the course catalog and any events. In addition, the department is entitled to seats on the Student Council (SR) of Skuba.
The board of the FG Religious Studies maintains an intensive cooperation and friendship with the FG Theology. Together we organize movie nights, semester-start Apéros, as well as the Christmas party. New is a cooperation with various other student councils at the university for the organization of the larger end-of-semester party (summer party)!
The composition of the offices at the time of HS 2024 is as follows
Pema Frick: Board and representation of the Student Council (SR), Teaching Committees (UK)
Jonas Bissig: Vice presidency, festivities team
Cornelia Lang: Cashier
Leah Gutzwiller: Representative of the teaching committees, festivities team
Jens Feurer: Festivities team
Svenja Müller: Festivities team
FG board members of past years