Block seminars
Religious Studies regularly offers certain block seminars:
on the one hand the block seminar in Beuggen, where we focus on theory deepening and discussion
on the other hand, the block seminar in Engelberg, in the shadow of the monastery, where we deal with cross-disciplinary and discipline-combining topics.

Study days
Every semester a 'study day' with its own topic takes place: this is a full-day workshop on a chosen topic with invited speakers and in-depth discussions in smaller working groups. Every May and October, many interested students from all semesters meet at the Castelen estate in Augst.
Invited guests from different disciplines give lectures on the topic, always with a focus on the religious-scientific examination of the respective topic.
In working groups the topics of the lectures can be deepened with the speakers.
Promenadology of Religion
Since 2020, Basel Religious Studies has also been concerned with promenadology:
With this project we try to apply the religious-aesthetic focus of the Basel Religious Studies in connection with the walking science of the Basel sociologist Lucius Burckhardt also to the perception of landscape and nature.
Through the perception of landscape and nature described by Burckhardt and through applied walking, religious aesthetics, the religious history of nature and landscape since Romanticism, religiosity in alpinism and body techniques in religions, as well as experiences of nature in contemporary religiosity find their way into the courses.
The units on religious promenadology consist of a study group in spring, in which we read Burckhardt's texts, among others, and a field trip in late summer.
The first religious promenadology excursion took us to the Harz Mountains, the second to the Surselva.